Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mission Statement

Have you ever really thought about life? About your life specifically. The fact you are at this website says that you are this very minute. You have probably read countless articles on this very subject. So let's put another perspective on the question.

Did you know scientists tell us that one has a better chance of winning the lottery than being born? Think about that for a second. Statistially the very fact that you were born makes you
a jackpot winner. Do you feel that way?

From the moment you are born, to the moment you die, you are the only person that will experience every second of your life. you are the only person that will know every thought you have ever had, every emotion you have felt and every moment of joy and happiness you will ever have.

Have you ever thought about the fact that each one of us has only one lap around the track we call life. No restarts no guarantees on the length of our track or even the knowledge of how close or how far away we are from the finish line. Are you living consciously with that awareness every day we live we are one step closer to the finish line so we should maximize our productivity of life itself to get the most out of the trip. Are we using effective time management skills to maxamize our experience?

If you simply think about these three simple points, how can you ever think that life is not only a precious miracle and a gift, but also an awesome responsibility we have to our very selves. Think about it, we are so unique, so special that we owe it to ourselves to strive to become your best self. Anything else would be cheating ourselves, letting ourselves down and leaving our own individual greatness unfilled.

In the world of personal growth and development, there have been many who would try to help. The first rule we must all understand is that to become your best self, to achieve personal growth and development, the fundamental requirement is that you and only you can decide to change your life. You have the responsibility and only you can make that choice.

At BECOMEYOURBESTSELF.COM, we believe that each and every one of us has the potential to be whatever we want to be. It is not a matter of luck, but a conscience effort to learn and grow as a person, with the personal motivation to set goals and make goal setting a routine and habbit.

Our dream and mission is to make BECOMEYOURBESTSELF.COM not only a resource for self help, personal effectiveness and achievement, but a cultural movement toward the dedication of self actulization, conscious living and personal success that each person wants to share with love to every person they meet.
We welcome you to explore with us this journey of life. Our writers are everyday people like you and have lived and learned and want to share their experiences with you, offer their perspectives and challenge you to think about you and your life. There are many answers to many questions, but the right ones will be what makes sense to you and what you choose to adapt and apply. We just ask that you choose to want to become your best self.

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